Despite popular belief, business coaching is not all about your business. It’s about YOU first, the business second. A great business coach will help you evolve—as a person and an entrepreneur.

Here’s where we roll up our sleeves and dig deep into your business (and your psyche) to explore existing barriers, establish a plan, and set expectations and desired milestones. A combination of structure and flexibility in our sessions will take you exactly where you need to go. You will become a stronger leader, a more confident, focused entrepreneur, shed beliefs that may be holding you back , and tap into a level of happiness that may have eluded you in the past.

I LOVE working with goal driven people that are ready to live and lead in alignment with their goals and values. Do you fit my ideal client profile?

  • You take your business and self-improvement goals seriously
  • You are ready do the work and be in the driver’s seat of your life and business
  • You are willing to take a magnifying glass to your business model and fix what isn’t working or won’t produce big results
  • You’ll face the fears, doubts, and perceived obstacles with bravery and embrace new ways of conquering them once and for all
  • You are ready to invest in yourself, believe in yourself, and step into your potential.

Leadership Coaching and Development

Positive and sustainable leadership growth cannot be separated from personal growth. Consequently, one fundamental aspect of my leadership coaching is to help my clients do the “inner work” of leadership. This involves building a deeper understanding of themselves, the sources of their drive, and their unique strengths. It also includes identifying what may be getting in the way of them leading from a place of authenticity and clarity.

The inner work is the foundation for the outer work of leadership – managing and influencing stakeholders, relationships, and results. I encourage my clients to be more versatile and to experiment with underutilized ways of leading that are reflective of their values, skills, and personalities.

  • Understanding and navigating interpersonal and team dynamics
  • Building a high-performance team culture
  • Fostering collaboration, collective intelligence, and creativity Launching a team; developing, and ending a team
  • Clarifying and negotiating team roles and responsibilities
  • Creating a vision and inspiring a team to act
  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • Managing conflict /  difficult conversation
  • Delegating effectively
  • Coaching your staff
  • Effective decision-making for teams

Team Training and Retreats

Amidst the pressure to deliver results, there is often no time to step back. I design and facilitate tailored retreats that give teams time to celebrate success, to deepen relationships, and to define actionable roadmaps with a sense of the bigger picture.

Retreats help teams/staff groups have honest conversations about how they’re currently working with each other, and I offer tailored interventions that support the team to enhance relationships and improve their ability to get work done together.

  • Take current snapshot of your culture of collaboration through qualitative and quantitative assessments – and use that data to inspire an honest dialogue about what works and what needs attention
  • Offer concrete skill building segments – based on findings during the need assessment
  • Create opportunities to celebrate success and to acknowledge what is unfolding
  • Have clearing conversations to address “unfinished business”
  • Make commitments / set ground rules to support engagement and collaboration Improve alignment among team / staff members
  • Define actionable roadmaps for key priorities

What Results Can I Expect?

Your success is highly dependent upon your level of involvement and how you apply the skills and strategies in your business and your life. You have to do the work. Quite simply… you get out of it what you put into it.

I am committed to showing up for you fully at every session. I am here for you every step of the way.

There are several success stories on the PRAISE page that I would like to invite you to explore.